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Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a method of natural healing based on the use of Universal Life Force and is channelled through the practitioner’s hands. We cannot underestimate how the power of positive thought, promotes relaxation and energy.


What conditions can Reiki treat?

Reiki treats the whole body and not just the symptoms and can assist in the treatment of almost all physical and emotional conditions. It eases the pain of more chronic diseases.  


What can Reiki do for you?

Reiki energy brings deep relaxation, soothing and reducing stress, anxiety and depression. It can help unlock your natural creativity, allowing you to reach your full potential while bringing clarity, focus and a sense of purpose back into your life. It can help you be the best you can be while enhancing the benefits of other therapies. One treatment is physiologically the equivalent of 3 to 4 hours deep sleep.

Is Reiki suitable for everyone?

Reiki is totally safe and appropriate making it suitable for everyone - children and adults. It benefits people in wonderful and extraordinary ways. Everyone experiences Reiki differently. Some feel a slight tingling or sensation of warmth or deep relaxation, while others feel rejuvenated and energised. Some can feel very emotional during the process while some even fall asleep.


What happens in a Reiki session?

A treatment is usually an hour in length, allow an extra 20 minutes for the first session in order to complete a medical history sheet. The room will be warm and comfortable with gently relaxing music and candles.  A blanket will be offered and a pillow to aid comfort and relaxation. 


You will be encouraged and aided to begin the relaxation process by following some simple breathing techniques. During the session the practitioner places their hands on and around the body in a variety of positions. The client is normally lying down and always remains fully clothed throughout the session. Shorter sessions can be arranged and given sitting up if required.


Preperations for Reiki

You will be asked to reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake the day of your treatment and the day before. Drink plenty of water as this aids the body to cleanse and clear itself of toxins.

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